Andrea Celli

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Assistant Professor
Department of Computing Sciences
Bocconi University

Email: andrea.celli2 AT unibocconi DOT it
Office: 2-c1-07 Roentgen


I am an Assistant Professor in the Computing Sciences Department at Bocconi University, and a member of the theory group and of Bocconi Institute for Data Science and Analytics. Previously, I spent one year as a postdoctoral researcher with the Core Data Science team at Meta (London). I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Politecnico di Milano, where I was advised by Nicola Gatti. During my Ph.D. I was a Visiting Researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, where I was working with Tuomas Sandholm. I am a member of the ELLIS Society.


My research focuses on problems at the intersection of computer science, optimization, and economics. The primary goals are to develop algorithms that are robust to strategic and multi-agent interactions, and to understand the behavior of systems in which multiple learning agents interact.

My research was awarded a best paper award at NeurIPS 2020 and the 2017 Lesmo prize for the best Italian MSc Thesis in Artificial Intelligence.


My research is supported by an ERC Starting Grant (2024) for the project PLA-STEER, and by a MUR-PRIN grant (2022).


  • July 2024: I’ve been awarded an ERC Starting Grant!

  • May 2024: 1 new paper at ICML and 2 at EC

  • February 2024: 1 new paper at ICLR and 1 at STOC!

  • December 2023: we presented a new paper on computing optimal equilibria at NeurIPS 23.

  • July 2023: I have been awarded a PRIN grant and I will be hiring a postdoc.

  • June 2023: I co-organized the ALGA 23 workshop in Sicily.